Flames Homeschool Sports

Flames Homeschool Sports is a Christian organization that offers homeschooled kids the chance to learn new skills and make new friends in a positive environment. Our coaches honor Christ being patient, encouraging, and eager to teach. Kids of all experience levels are welcome-we take everyone--but hard work is expected in everyone sport and club.

We offer Archery, Art Club, Baseball, Basketball, Chess, Cross Country, Soccer, Theater, Track & Field, and Volleyball. We also provide many social activities to help homeschooled kids connect and have fun. These include a yearly Skating Party, the Spring Formal, a Graduation Ceremony, the Murder Mystery Dinner, a Homecoming Dance, and a Fall Bonfire. These events provide plenty of fellowship opportunities for our Flames kids and some are also for the whole family!

We practice mainly in Warren County, but are happy to take homeschooled kids from anywhere- including West Virginia!

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions by clicking Contact Us on the menu bar, and you can also sign up to get our latest information from our weekly newsletter by clicking Sign Up for Flames News.

We also have a Facebook page for our Flames members at:
